Ramsey County Mental Health Case Manager

The Mental Health Court Case Manager for Ramsey County Mental Health Courts will be responsible for case management of individuals referred to one of Ramsey County’s four treatment courts: Adult Substance Abuse Court, DWI Court, Mental Health Court, and Veterans Court.

Individuals who are referred to Ramsey County’s Mental Health Court Triage process will be placed on conditional release and assigned to JusticePoint for supervision until they are either sentenced into one of the Treatment Courts or determined ineligible for Treatment Court acceptance.

If the individual remains on conditional release pending sentencing in traditional court, they will be reassigned to a Pretrial Supervision Case Manager at JusticePoint and supervised according to the supervision matrix level.

Position Duties:

  • Ensure referrals complete the referral form and sign releases of information. Send referral packet to the triage team once complete.
  • Screen all potential referrals using Rant, LSI-R-SV, and IDA. Review the UNCOPE and Brief MH screen attached to bail eval or preform them if no bail evaluation exists.
  • Answer questions about TC, target population, and intake process that may be posed by the judges, attorneys, court staff, attorneys, and defendants. Direct all other questions to the Treatment Court Coordinators.
  • Ensure all referrals are assessed and enter treatment as soon as possible by assisting them with obtaining chemical health assessment, diagnostic assessment, treatment referrals and other support services.
  • Set up drug testing as directed by the courts and agreed to by Ramsey County Community Corrections and JusticePoint.
  • Provide copies of assessments to the triage team.
  • Attend weekly triage staffing and calendar to update partner agencies on all new referrals.
  • Provide weekly written updates to the Treatment Courts on individuals who have been accepted but are awaiting sentencing in the Treatment Court using the template provided.
  • Contact referrals and participants awaiting sentencing weekly (face-to-face, phone, Zoom, email, text, etc.)
  • Attend all treatment court essential trainings as indicated by the treatment courts program coordinator and judges.
  • Coordinate and schedule mental health and comprehensive assessments for individuals involved in Treatment Court.
  • Coordinate intake into treatment programs for individuals involved in Treatment Court.
  • Ensure a smooth transition for individuals from Pretrial Supervision to Treatment Court Probation Supervision.
  • All other duties must be approved by JusticePoint before the case manager can perform additional functions.

JusticePoint is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Until filled
Treatment Court
St. Paul, MN
Full-time; salary with benefits